1680 Tiburon Blvd. Suite 10

Belvedere Tiburon, CA 94920 - Marin County

(415) 531-2656

About Us:

Since the early 1960s, David has been a Belvedere-Tiburon community resident. He knows the high-end, luxury communities in Marin County intimately and is a leader in market knowledge. He knows value, pricing, and what drives value and market cycles, and he has created the best marketing program in the business. David consistently sells homes others haven’t been able to sell, and, with his knowledge and negotiating skills, he helps buyers buy well. David is a Harvard M.B.A., Real Estate Broker, Certified Residential Appraiser with 20+ years real estate experience, is involved in community affairs as a Director of a local Fire District, and has been active with Angel Flight as a general aviation pilot flying needy patients to medical treatment. He is known for great service and works primarily with referral based business. His client satisfaction rating is outstanding.


About David Kirchhoff Fine Homes:

Since the early 1960s, David has been a Belvedere-Tiburon community resident. He knows the high-end, luxury communities in Marin County intimately and is a leader in market knowledge. He knows value, pricing, and what drives value and market cycles, and he has created the best marketing program in the business. David consistently sells homes others haven’t been able to sell, and, with his knowledge and negotiating skills, he helps buyers buy well. David is a Harvard M.B.A., Real Estate Broker, Certified Residential Appraiser with 20+ years real estate experience, is involved in community affairs as a Director of a local Fire District, and has been active with Angel Flight as a general aviation pilot flying needy patients to medical treatment. He is known for great service and works primarily with referral based business. His client satisfaction rating is outstanding.

Category: Real Estate Agencies

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